Atelier MKD是一家位于法国巴黎的室内设计工作室,由设计师Marika Dru成立于2008年。Marika Dru毕业于Esag Penninghen,曾入职巴黎GBRH和纽约CMP工作室积累了丰富的工作经验,由她带领的Atelier MKD设计团队,旨在为业主创造出具有舒适度和审美性的居住空间。
Atelier MKD is an interior design studio based in Paris, France, founded in 2008 by designer Marika Dru. A graduate of Esag Penninghen and a veteran of GBRH Paris and CMP New York, the Atelier MKD design team led by Marika Dru aims to create a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing living space.

Atelier MKD善于结合项目的周围环境、人文地理以及历史故事,寻找那些早已被人们遗忘的文化遗产或生活细节,通过当代的设计手法精心营造每个空间,赋予其温暖和感性,将过去、现在和未来巧妙地编织在一起,开启新的章节,演绎新的故事。
Atelier MKD is good at combining the surrounding environment, human geography and historical stories of the project, looking for the forgotten cultural heritage or life details. Through contemporary design techniques, Atelier MKD carefully creates each space, giving it warmth and sensibility, artfully weaving the past, present and future together, opening new chapters and interpreting new stories.

在他们看来,每座房屋自有生命周期,过程中或许会经历许多的“守护人”,所以空间的呈现自然也会因人而异,但每一次的改变都是为了使它更适用于不同时期的居住者。因此,创造一处契合业主审美需求的、舒适且精致的住宅成为了Atelier MKD设计的原点和核心追求。
In their opinion, every house has its own life cycle and may experience many "guardians" in the process, so the presentation of space will naturally vary from person to person, but each change is to make it more suitable for residents in different periods. Thus, the creation of a comfortable and sophisticated home that meets the aesthetic needs of the owner became the origin and core pursuit of Atelier MKD's design.

Atelier MKD善于在原始的建筑结构中探索灵感,将过去和当下进行融合,而肌理的选择、分层的叙事以及材料的使用,则是为了增强住宅的宜居性。当他们尝试捕捉某一地域的特有风格时,总会赋予室内一种娴静或轻松的空间氛围,同时展现了属于个人表达的独属符号。

Atelier MKD explores inspiration within the original structure, blending the past with the present, while the choice of textures, layered narratives and the use of materials are designed to enhance the livability of the house. When they try to capture the unique style of a certain region, they always give the room a quiet or relaxed space atmosphere, while showing the unique symbol of personal expression.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Atelier MKD
