HW Studio是一家位于墨西哥的建筑事务所,由Rogelio Vallejo Bores、Oscar Didier Asencio Castrocreado、Vera Sánchez Macouzet等多学科背景的建筑师共同成立于2010年。事务所创建的初衷旨在以艺术准则和东方(佛教)哲学与西方理论概念相结合,创造一种能够促进居住者心态趋向平的空间。

HW Studio is an architecture firm based in Mexico, It was founded in 2010 by Rogelio Vallejo Bores, Oscar Didier Asencio Castrocreado, Vera Sanchez Macouzet and other architects with a multidisciplinary background. The studio was created with the aim of combining artistic principles and Eastern (Buddhist) philosophy with Western theoretical concepts to create a space that promotes peace of mind for its occupants.
Ensoii House


在开始设计这幢房子的前期,HW Studio对场地历史进行了全面的研究,发现在墨西哥很少有像Guanajuato这样具有强烈的地域特征的地方。在当地,石材是所有形式文化表达中的最常见的一种元素,所以住宅建筑材料也自然选择了简单的天然石料来进行建造。
In the early stages of designing the house, HW Studio conducted a thorough study of the site's history and found that there are few places in Mexico with such a strong geographical identity as Guanajuato. In this area, stone is the most common element in all forms of cultural expression, so it is natural to choose simple natural stone as the building material for the house.

Unnamed House


Unnamed住宅的设计重点在于如何消除业主夫妇日常生活中的不安全感、恐惧感和无助感。基于此,工作室通过对他们身份背景的研究,探索住宅设计中更多与之相匹配的合适元素。业主信奉天主教,因此,HW Studio直在寻找一种更加追求本质的建筑形式,并对光进行精确地控制,使其成为空间的主角。
The design of Unnamed residence focuses on how to eliminate the sense of insecurity, fear and helplessness in the daily life of the couple. Based on this, the studio explored the context of their identity to find more appropriate elements to match in the design of the house. The owners are Catholic, so HW Studio has been looking for a more essential form of architecture, and the precise control of light to make it the protagonist of the space.



42A is an office located in Mexico. The architects wanted to interpret the local cultural elements of the location, which has a long cultural history and hidden architectural energy, as it is an important archaeological site of the Mayan civilization.

Wake House


巴亚尔塔港是墨西哥面向太平洋的一座沿海小城,HW Studio为四口之家设计的Wake住宅就坐落在此地。一些叠加的元素在住宅建筑的设计中显得非常有趣,其所处的空旷场地令人产生一种虚无感,并预留了思考天空与山脉之间界限的时间和空间,在感受风的同时,可以一览邻近公园的茂密森林。
HW Studio's Wake house for a family of four is located in Puerto Vallarta, a small coastal city facing the Pacific Ocean in Mexico. Some of the superimposed elements are interesting in the design of the house, where the empty site creates a sense of nothingness and allows time and space to reflect on the boundary between the sky and the mountains, while feeling the wind and overlooking the dense forest of the adjacent park.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :HW Studio
