近日,Norm Architectsc受委托完成了位于瑞典西海岸的ÄNG餐厅,餐厅所处的场地是Astad Vingard当地最大的葡萄园之一,该餐厅由首席执行官Daniel Carlsson负责经营。

Norm was recently commissioned to design a restaurant on Sweden's west coast, ANG restaurant in Astad Vingard, one of the largest vineyards in the region, run by CEO Daniel Carlsson.


Taking its name from the surrounding meadows, the new ÄNG explores both the surface and the deeper parts of the Swedish landscape as the souterrain view of the wetlands adds even more peace of mind, looking for the taste of gourmet food at Restaurang ÄNG. Here is a culinary experience out of the ordinary that engages all senses.

餐厅矗立于郁郁葱葱的田野中央,通透的玻璃材质围合成一个类似温室的建筑物,由Norm Architects设计,而内部家具陈设则由日本工作室Karimoku设计和落地完成。设计师试图在建筑、美食、葡萄酒、室内设计和艺术之间创造一种令人愉悦的相互作用,从而实现协调、平衡的高级美食体验。

The restaurant with a spectacular glasshouse entrance in the middle of the lush field is designed by Norm Architects and furnished by Japanese Karimoku to create a stimulating interplay between architecture, food, wine, interiors, and art that makes for a balanced and harmonious 19 course haute-cuisine experience.

在Restaurang ÄNG首席执行官Daniel Carlsson的理念里,“我们希望每一位客人都能在此长时间的停留,尽情享受ÄNG的世界。这确实是一个可以观赏田野景观和消遣时光的美妙地方,但也需要客人和我们自己主动去发现的地方。我们将继续以创造力和技术更新寻找新的方式来呈现斯堪的纳维亚悠久传统的美食和美酒文化。” 
“We hope to give every guest a long pause, leaving everything else behind, and just enjoy the ÄNG universe. It is truly a beautiful place to look at and spend time in, but it is also a place of discovery for the guest and ourselves. We will continue to work very hard with creativity and techniques to find new ways to present Scandinavian cuisine and wine.” – Daniel Carlsson, CEO & Partner, Ästad Vingård, Restaurang ÄNG

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Xran     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Norm Architects
