Studio Unravel是一家年轻的创意型设计工作室,2016年在韩国首尔成立。其创始人Dongil Lee于1985年出生在首尔,大学辍学后自学室内设计专业。目前,他作为Studio Unravel的创意总监,从2020年开始通过为Ledongil Workshop创建的独立品牌来展示他的个人设计理念。

Studio Unravel is a young creative design studio founded in Seoul, South Korea, in 2016. Its founder, Dongil Lee, was born in 1985 in Seoul and taught himself interior design after dropping out of college. Currently working as the creative director of Studio Unravel, he has been revealing his personal design ideas since 2020 through an independent brand he created for Ledongil Workshop.

Mardi Mercredi Lotte World Tower Mall


这家位于韩国首尔的服装专卖店,占地约为162㎡。Studio Unravel采用纹理丰富的天然材料、微妙的色调以及金属和玻璃材质之间的对比来赋予空间细节与层次。材料之间的冷暖对比使空间的“温度”呈现某种意义上的平衡;玻璃的通透性和金属材料的反射作用在视觉上进一步的延伸了空间。

This clothing store in Seoul, South Korea, covers an area of about 162 square meters. Studio Unravel uses richly textured natural materials, subtle shades and contrasts between metal and glass to give the Spaces detail and layers. The contrast between the cold and warm materials makes the "temperature" of the space present a balance in a sense; The permeability of the glass and the reflection of the metal material further extend the space visually.

Andesson Bell Gyeongbokgung Store


“框架(Aplat)”和“投影(Projection)”被作为Andesson Bell Gyeongbokgung商店室内设计的两个重要关键词,在Studio Unravel的理解中,“Aplat”表达着“生产碎片的过程”,因而,从原始建筑那些被遗忘的片段或零碎的材料中获得灵感,并在室内建构了“原始无色”的概念;而“Projection”主要用于“室内设计”,设计师以其作为基本的概念,试图重新演绎简单、常见和常用的材料,同时从不同的角度进行”投影”。

"Aplat" and "Projection" are regarded as two important keywords in the interior design of Andesson Bell Gyeongbokgung Store. In the understanding of Studio Unravel, "Aplat" represents "the process of producing fragmentation". Inspired by the forgotten fragments or scraps of materials of the original building, the concept of "original colorless" was constructed in the interior; "Projection" is mainly used in "interior design", where designers use it as a basic concept to try to re-interpret simple, common and commonly used materials, while "projecting" from different angles.

Insilence the Hyundai Daegu


Insilence the Hyundai Daegu服装专卖店,占地面积约为105㎡,Studio Unravel以隐喻的手法塑造了一个因感知而存在的和通过单调的中性色调作为主色调来诠释的空间内核。室内玻璃和金属材质在明亮的灯光下,赋予了空间一种冷峻的高级感。
Insilence the Hyundai Daegu clothing store, covering an area of about 105 square meters, Studio Unravel metaphorically shapes a spatial core that exists because of perception and interprets through monotonous neutral tones. The glass and metal materials in the interior are illuminated, giving the space a cold and advanced feeling.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Studio Unravel
