Hearth Architects,日本知名建筑事务所,由建筑师久我義孝成立于2016年。他善于协调建筑与自然之间的相互联系,并将“自然”的概念巧妙地融入到日常的家居环境之中。

Hearth Architects, a well-known Japanese architectural firm, was founded in 2016 by architect Yoshitaka Kuga. He is good at coordinating the relationship between architecture and nature, and skillfully integrates the concept of "nature" into the daily home environment.


Yoshitaka Kuga was born in 1982 in Koga City, Shiga Prefecture. He graduated from the Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Engineering, Kansai University in 2006. He believes, "a simple space close to man and nature, into the poetry of daily life." In order to be called truly and spiritually rich.


Yoshitaka Kuga's design always uses comfortable streamline and simple plane layout, and the space takes the cross section as the basic consideration, presenting a simple and dignified space appearance, without complex, redundant external decoration. Because of this, he created a series of deep Spaces filled with nature on the site and space, and endowed them with richness and life.


He often uses materials derived from nature to ensure the close connection between home and nature. The minimalist design style allows him to create "rich spiritual allowance" for each family while ensuring the functionality of the family and discarding unnecessary things.


Yoshitaka Kuga sees each project as a unique single whole, and responds to the characteristics of the site by tailoring the design to local conditions. After repeated deliberation and deliberation, the indoor and outdoor Spaces are connected in an integrated way to create different dimensional Spaces that meet the various needs of the family and give residents a richer, multi-level living experience while enhancing the aesthetic.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Hearth Architects

