Hollie Bowden是一位来自英国伦敦的室内设计师,于2013年成立了自己同名设计工作室,主要涉及住宅和商业领域。对她而言,“智慧”和“激情”是最大的设计驱动力,她作品中所构建的“叙事性”语言成为了自己独特的设计表达方式。

Hollie Bowden is an interior designer from London, England, who founded his eponymous design studio in 2013, focusing on the residential and commercial sectors. For her, "wisdom" and "passion" are the biggest driving forces of design, and the "narrative" language constructed in her works has become her own unique design expression.

Completed Works


Completed Works是英国一家珠宝和陶瓷品牌新的工作和展示空间,通过严谨的线条和实用性材料,以柔和与感性的方式,使内部风格同品牌的简约美学相呼应。陈旧的金属柱和木梁在玻璃天花板的衬托下成为空间中的亮点。珠宝作为展厅的主要展示,在低调的淡紫色亚麻布装饰的陈列架上熠熠生辉。

Completed Works is a new work and display space for a British jewelry and ceramics brand. Through rigorous lines and practical materials, the interior style echoes the minimalist aesthetics of the brand in a soft and sensual way. Old metal columns and wooden beams are set against a glass ceiling to highlight the space. Jewelry is the main display of the exhibition hall, shining on display shelves decorated with understated lilac linen.

Dunloe Avenue


Hollie Bowden注重新与旧的融合,因此,在设计初期就对项目所在的场地背景和建筑历史进行了解和分析,最终使用朴实的色调、简单的线条来打造这个有着复古氛围的空间。自然光穿过玻璃窗,柔和的光线使二层呈现一种犹如“回到过去”的视觉感受。

Hollie Bowden pays attention to the fusion of the old and the new, therefore, the understanding and analysis of the site background and architectural history of the project in the early stage of the design, and the final use of simple colors and simple lines to create this space with a retro atmosphere. Natural light passes through the Windows, and the soft light gives the second floor a visual feeling of "going back in time".

Gallery Space


新的画廊反映了Hollie Bowden对于极简主义式复古之物的热爱,内部陈设着她个人的艺术品收藏和其他设计师的作品以及在市面上极其罕见的艺术品等。对她而言,这些艺术品无论具象或抽象,它们都是独一无二的,其重点在于手工、天然材料和匠心的结合,同时是具有装饰性、雕塑感和戏剧性的,它们在空间中仿佛讲述着属于自己的故事。
The new gallery reflects Hollie Bowden's love of minimalist retro objects, featuring her personal art collection as well as works by other designers and works rarely seen on the market. For her, these works of art, figurative or abstract, are unique, with an emphasis on the combination of handwork, natural materials and ingenuity, but at the same time decorative, sculptural and dramatic, as if they tell their own story in space.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Hollie Bowden
