VAUST Studio是一家屡获殊荣的设计工作室,位于德国柏林,致力于非传统思维、独特美学、艺术设计、策略规划以及精确的设计探索与实现。项目主要涉及室内设计、物品设计和创意指导,涵盖住宅、零售、酒店及公共空间等多个领域。
VAUST Studio is an award-winning design studio based in Berlin, Germany, dedicated to unconventional thinking, unique aesthetics, artistic design, strategic planning, and precise design exploration and realization. The project mainly involves interior design, object design and creative direction, covering residential, retail, hotel and public space.

JIGI Poke Restaurant


一幅拍摄于1907年的摄影作品激发了JIGI Poke餐厅的设计灵感——一位夏威夷渔夫坐在岩石上,携带着外出捕鱼的装备,身上只穿了朴素的衣物——VAUST Studio很喜欢画面里所呈现的这种亲切感、平衡感与诚实感。室内不同色泽的荒石增添了自然而温暖的色调;墙地面采用暖色调,营造出自然朴实的氛围;亚麻窗帘配以定制的铝制悬挂系统,使整个就餐区更加的柔和。
VAUST Studio loved the intimacy, balance and honesty of JIGI Poke, which was inspired by a 1907 photograph of a Hawaiian fisherman sitting on a rock in his fishing gear and wearing only modest clothes. Different shades of stone add a natural and warm tone; The wall floor uses warm colors to create a natural and simple atmosphere; Linen curtains with custom aluminum suspension system to make the whole dining area more gentle.



Torstrasse's main goal was to create a multi-functional space that could become a dynamic showroom for a wide range of brands, including fashion, interior products and consumer goods; Event venues where exclusive dinners can be held; We can also accommodate clients on media days. The ingenious design lies in the six customized retail guides, which can be easily adjusted by remote control, so that users can display actual configurations according to their needs.

S24 Apartment


VAUST Studio对这座旧公寓进行了整体的改造,将新古典主义元素与包豪斯风格完美融合,并以一种纯粹的方式将演绎传统与现代之感。部分原始的建筑细节得以保留,以致敬公寓的历史背景;简洁的线条、几何形状和单色的基调在整个空间中构建了一种清晰且有序的感知体验。
VAUST Studio has completely transformed the old apartment, blending neoclassical elements with Bauhaus style and combining tradition and modernity in a pure way. Some of the original architectural details have been preserved to pay tribute to the historical setting of the apartment; The clean lines, geometric shapes and monochromatic tone build a clear and orderly perceptual experience throughout the space.

Highsnobiety Unter Den Linden


The Shell”不仅仅是一个传统的零售空间,而是一个层层递进、不断变化的展示性动态平台。作为叙事空间,它超越了传统的店铺设计形式,融合多种创意方法、功能需求和空间动态,体现了Highsnobiety的未来愿景。设计师对工业材料进行了再利用和再创造,同时通过保留现有的建筑元素来呈现空间的历史,其中的家具则将古典美学与现代材料进行融合。
"The Shell" is not just a traditional retail space, but a progressive and constantly changing display dynamic platform. As a narrative space, it goes beyond the traditional form of store design and incorporates multiple creative approaches, functional requirements and spatial dynamics to embody Highsnobiety's vision for the future. Industrial materials are reused and recreated, while the history of the space is presented by preserving existing architectural elements, while the furniture blends classical aesthetics with modern materials.

VAUST Studio

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright VAUST Studio
