Pezo Von Ellrichshausen是智利一家屡获殊荣的建筑设计工作室,由知名建筑师Mauricio PezoSofia Von Ellrichshausen创立于2002年。他们目前在智利南部的Concepcion市和Andes山脉之下的一个农场生活和开展日常工作。

Pezo Von Ellrichshausen is an award-winning Chilean architectural design studio founded in 2002 by renowned architects Mauricio Pezo and Sofia Von Ellrichshausen. They now live and work on a farm in the city of Concepcion and under the Andes Mountains in southern Chile.

Mauricio PezoSofia Von Ellrichshausen两人同为康奈尔大学实践部的副教授,并曾在哈佛大学设计学院、芝加哥伊利诺伊理工学院和位于圣地亚哥的智利天主教大学任教。

Mauricio Pezo and Sofia Von Ellrichshausen are associate professors in the Department of Practice at Cornell University and have taught at the Harvard School of Design, the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, and the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago.


Their work has been exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art in London and is part of the permanent collections of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. During the period, he was invited to visit many art galleries, museums, seminars and architects' associations to deliver keynote speeches.

Mauricio Pezo,出生于1973年,大学毕业后获得天主教大学建筑学硕士学位,并在bio-bio大学获得建筑学学位。他曾被智利建筑师协会授予青年建筑师奖,并被Concepcion市政厅授予市政艺术奖。Sofia von ellrichshausen,出生于1976年,拥有Buenos Aires大学建筑学学位,之后获得Fadu-Uba荣誉学位。

Mauricio Pezo (1973) completed a Master in Architecture at the Universidad Catolica and a degree in Architecture at the Universidad del Bio-Bio. He has been awarded the Young Architect Prize by the Chilean Architects Association and the Municipal Art Prize by the Concepcion City Hall. Sofia von Ellrichshausen (1976) holds a degree in Architecture from the Universidad de Buenos Aires where she was distinguished with the FADU- UBA Honors Diploma.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Pezo Von Ellrichshausen
