DA Bureau是一家由建筑师组成的设计工作室,在圣彼得堡和伦敦均设有办公点。工作室将改变人的行为、心态、生活环境以及生活本身的意义作为设计驱动力,致力于塑造新的价值观和美学标准。
DA Bureau is a design studio composed of architects with offices in St Petersburg and London. The studio takes changing people's behavior, mentality, living environment and the meaning of life itself as the driving force of design, and is committed to shaping new values and aesthetic standards.

In order to establish a new standard for inner and outer beauty, they put "future-oriented reproduction of the beauty of the past, creating a comfortable urban and indoor environment" as the design focus, hoping to make a positive impact on society through the work they love.

如今,甘于现状、不愿革新的风气仍然占据着社会的主导地位,由于持续时间长,上下等级关系固化,为了消除它们之间无形的界限,“无等级”的概念方式被应用到DA Bureau的日常工作行为之中。

Nowadays, the atmosphere of being willing to accept the status quo and unwilling to innovate still occupies a dominant position in the society. Due to the long duration and the solidification of the hierarchical relationship between the upper and lower levels, the concept of "non-hierarchical" is applied to the daily work behavior of DA Bureau in order to eliminate the invisible boundary between them.

The pursuit of young people's passions, ideals of freedom and fresh ways of thinking has become an important part of the studio's brand culture, and has greatly influenced their design, production, social status and the natural form of the surrounding environment.

DA Bureau认为创新的思维方式、诚实或激情的态度是一种新的表达形式,它能为工作室的工作和出品带来益处,所以将其进行真正意义上的转换,并最终落实到他们所做的日常工作当中对他们而言是至关重要的。
DA Bureau believes that an innovative way of thinking, honesty or passion is a new form of expression that can benefit the studio's work and production, so it is essential for them to truly translate this into the daily work they do.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :DA Bureau
