PPAA是一家位于墨西哥的建筑及室内设计工作室,由设计师Pablo Perez Palacios创建。工作室受到大自然的启发,善于使用原始的、天然的材料。他们认为设计的核心构思是基于概念、感觉、氛围和具身体验来实现的,如此才能表达建筑的准确思想或深刻内涵。

PPAA is an architecture and interior design studio based in Mexico founded by designer Pablo Perez Palacios. The studio is inspired by nature and adept at using raw, natural materials. They believe that the core idea of design is based on concept, feeling, atmosphere and embodied experience, so as to express the exact idea or deep connotation of the building.

Echegaray House

The Echegaray house is like a black stone that slowly grows out of the rocky terrain. Based on an understanding of site conditions and an analysis of the environment, the PPAA broke with the traditional layout pattern of the area where public areas were placed on the ground floor and private areas were planned upstairs. On the contrary, the top floor of the house serves as a public space to provide the owners with sweeping views of the city; Bedrooms were also designed downstairs for privacy; The bottom floor is a private garage.


Surrounded by a forest of pine trees, the 645 SQM private house blends in with the natural environment, where light becomes an indispensable element of expression. During the design process, PPAA carefully considered how to protect and coexist with these trees, as they even affect the volume, lighting and situational atmosphere of the building.

Bai-Ha Residential Complex
The residence is located in the southern part of Tulum, Mexico, and features a 100-meter beach surrounded by native shrubs and tall palm trees. Enjoy panoramic views of wild garden-like vegetation, cascading tree canopies and expansive sea views. The main body of the building is placed in the central area of the site to ensure mutual privacy from its neighbors and future buildings, and to create a separate private outdoor space for each apartment unit.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :PPAA
