


As a local high-end beauty brand in Chongqing, elene Reached its glorious 24 years in business . There are even some young people say,This is the skincare brand that served my mum for half her life.

Because of this deep-rooted perception, elene has always been labelled as an "old brand" and a "skincare shop for mums" in most people's minds. As a result, the attraction for young consumers is not strong enough.

Because of this deep-rooted perception, elene has always been labelled as an "old brand" and a "skincare shop for mums" in most people's minds. As a result, the attraction for young consumers is not strong enough. So, against this background, the second generation of the brand's managers began to think about the brand's reinvention and heritage. During this period, preparations began for the 24th anniversary flagship shop project.

Upgrading a brand's image is not just a visual facelift, but an optimised upgrade that respects the brand's foundation and audience. Therefore, the essence of the space we create is the result of service offerings and user habits.

The direction of visual creativity comes from the most important element in skin care, water, and the blue colour, which represents health and technology.The main use of minimalist, soft and modern architectural composition form, constructed a soft visual symbol that belongs to elene.

Because of the great advantage of floor height in the original building, we transformed it into a separate two-storey space by means of a legal renovation. A rotating staircase, centred in the architectural space, connects the functions of reception services, consultation, ingredients, storage, lounging, and spa rooms.At the same time, the aesthetics of the space are interconnected with the functional areas, thus satisfying the visual and functional experience of the customer.

Compared to to the richness of the public space, the SPA rooms are treated in a more simple, gentle and serene way.In this way,it is closely related to the actual consumer experience of customers in the context of the industry.Of course, the more minimalist design is also friendlier and more convenient for employees' daily maintenance, cleaning and replacement.
The large areas of flesh-coloured skin paint are more like the skin of the building. It is clean, neat, and coherent. The delicate, smooth touch also appeals more to the consumer's state of mind when they visit the shop.

The blue element, as the mood and atmosphere of the space, will also be interspersed in the space in different forms.According to different effect.It can be gradient blue paint, translucent blue glass, or light translucent blue light.

The introduction of sunlight is the finishing touch, and it has been given a new effect by us.The texture of the space, when illuminated by natural light, takes on different spatial textures at different times of the day and in different weather, thus creating different atmospheric moods in the space.And such an experience is undoubtedly the most surprising and joyful.

The concept of nature and health, we through the atmosphere of the space to create, subconsciously rooted in the hearts of consumers.

Project Name:Neogenesis | EleneThe 24th Anniversary Store
项目地点:中国 · 重庆
Project Location:Chongqing, China
Design Director:Steven
设计团队:jsd . 简璞
Design Team: JSD
全案统筹:jsd . 简璞
Overall Project Coordinator:JSD
Building Area: 800
Photography: Borderman & Steven
Wen Chao, Creative design workers. In 2015, the design brand Jade Simple Design(JSD)was established and gradually determined the professional direction is a creative design agency that is not restricted by style and format. In the process of continuous development, it has accumulated and refined the design proposition of Free-pragmatism with the core of JSD.
简璞设计是一家深根于重庆 & 上海,年轻、有趣、且不局限于某种业态内的开放型创意设计机构。简璞设计一直秉承着 “自由实用主义” 的创作设计理念,并将人与空间、器物间最真实的诉求关系作为设计思考的根基,以此创作出更加实用且有趣的空间与器物作品。团队设计板块涵盖:建筑、景观、室内、家具等多个领域。
JSD is rooted in Chongqing and Shanghai. It is a young, interesting, and open creative design agency that is not limited to a certain form. JSD has always been adhering to the creative design concept of Free-pragmatism and takes the most real appealing relationship between people and space and things as the foundation of design thinking to create more practical and interesting space and furniture works. The team design section covers architecture, landscape, interior, furniture, and other fields.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY    校对 Proof:Xran
图片版权 Copyright :简璞设计
