
About Brand


Dulux is the world's leading premium paint brand, founded in 2000 as one of the paint brands of Akzonobel (formerly Imperial Chemical Industries), with an English sheepdog as the brand's representative image. They are committed to providing high-performance solutions, high-quality products and technical expertise to meet the current and future needs of our customers, bringing visual enjoyment and lasting care to our lives.


Cooperative Bond

多乐士年度色彩预测一直是室内设计师和设计爱好者关注的焦点,因此,2024年的色彩预测在很多方面都起到非常重要的作用。预测是通过对全球和当地室内设计景观的全年研究所最终得出,预测小组由多乐士色彩团队设计经验丰富的成员组成,包括色彩和公关经理Andrea Lucena-Orr,色彩预测和造型师Bree Leech以及色彩经理Lauren Treloar

Dulux's annual color forecast has always been the focus of attention for interior designers and design enthusiasts, so the 2024 color forecast plays a very important role in many ways. The forecast is the result of a year-round study of global and local interior design landscapes, and the forecast team is made up of experienced members of Dulux's color design team, including Andrea Lucena-Orr, color and communications manager, Bree Leech, color forecaster and stylist, and Lauren Treloar, color manager.

Dulux x Andrea Lucena-Orr

色彩和公关经理Andrea Lucena-Orr一直热衷于色彩研究,对其而言,色彩具有改变产品属性和空间形态的力量,并且在唤醒情感方面起到至关重要的作用,她认为色彩选择的关键在于更好地理解客户想要在空间之中最终呈现的效果,比如,如果他们希望在空间中获得安全感,则侧面反映的是他们想要一些深沉的色调;如果他们想要一个宽敞明亮的空间,则需要使用浅色的色调。
Color and Public Relations manager Andrea Lucena-Orr has always been passionate about color research, for whom color has the power to change the properties of products and spatial forms, and plays a vital role in evoking emotions. She believes that the key to color selection is to better understand the effect that customers want to end up in the space. If they want to feel safe in the space, the side reflects that they want some deep tones; If they want a large and bright space, they need to use light colors.

Dulux x Bree Leech


色彩预测师和造型师Bree Leech,是一位拥丰富设计经验的设计师,着力于流行趋势预测、室内造型设计和视觉内容创作。她时刻跟随着设计的“脉搏”,为团队分析即将引来的色彩趋势,并为最终的预测制作图像和模型。与此同时,Bree Leech还善于将独特的室内设计和行业技能进行结合,从私人室内设计到澳大利亚领先品牌的创意营销活动中,创造出视觉上令人称奇的项目。
Color forecaster and stylist Bree Leech is an experienced designer specializing in trend forecasting, interior design, and visual content creation. She follows the "pulse" of the design, analyzing upcoming color trends for the team and creating images and models for the final predictions. At the same time, Bree Leech combines her unique interior design and industry skills to create visually stunning projects, from private interior design to creative marketing campaigns for leading Australian brands.

Dulux x Lauren Treloar


多乐士色彩经理Lauren Treloar在多乐士集团工作超过了10年,现在她将自己丰富的市场营销经验灌输到了多乐士的色彩团队,这与她对室内设计的热情和研究有着密切联系。她与另外两位成员通过对色彩趋势的报告和社论的分析,参加时装走秀、产品和设计发布会,与全球和国际品牌合作,为新的预测带来灵感和启发。
Dulux Colour Manager Lauren Treloar has been with Dulux Group for over 10 years and now brings her extensive marketing experience to the Dulux colour team, which is closely linked to her passion and research in interior design. Together with two other members, she analyzes color trends through reports and editorials, attends fashion shows, product and design launches, and collaborates with global and international brands to inspire and inspire new predictions.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Dulux
