比利时建筑师Pieter Vanrenterghem向来以精致的、极具审美性的设计出品而闻名,他特别注重营造微妙的视觉层次感和善于通过雅致的内饰来体现个人符号。并不希望自己工作室的成立只为制作一本“漂亮的作品集”去设计住宅,而是为居住者创造舒适的、愉悦的生活场所。
Belgian architect Pieter Vanrenterghem is known for his exquisite and aesthetically pleasing designs. He pays special attention to creating subtle visual layers and expressing personal symbols through elegant interiors. I do not want to set up my studio just to produce a "beautiful portfolio" to design the house, but to create a comfortable and pleasant living place for the residents.

MB Residence


MB Residence坐落于比利时西南海岸一处沙丘内的斜坡上,客户希望建造一座与周围景观相融合的住宅,所以它的最终呈现更像是海岸线的一种延伸。考虑到住宅的长期性使用,因此它的设计和布局都必须经过深思熟虑,以确保房子能够适应于他们在未来不断增长与灵活变化的生活需求。
Located on a slope within a sand dune on the southwestern coast of Belgium, MB Residence sought to create a residence that blends in with the surrounding landscape, so the final appearance of the residence is more like an extension of the shoreline. Given the long-term nature of the house, its design and layout had to be carefully considered to ensure that the house could adapt to their growing and flexible living needs in the future.

The ground floor is equipped with a garage, entrance, laundry room and children's suite; The ground floor common area features an open kitchen and living area with access to a patio and swimming pool; The second floor is a parents' lounge space, equipped with a spacious master bedroom with a walk-in closet and a luxurious bathroom. Shuttling through different floors, natural light and coastal views penetrate into different Spaces at different angles.

Residence MG



Defined by the designers as "an oasis of tranquility away from the big city", this two-storey family home is filled with simplicity and warmth, while being interpreted by a variety of crafts and natural materials. The dominant height, larger-than-usual volume and abundant natural light make it a coherent interior space, a seamless transition between each other, giving the place a contemplative yet peaceful atmosphere.

Residence MG的建筑由线性的线条感和灰色混凝土形式而定义,创造出一种“安静的厚重”。进入室内,犹如进入洞穴一般的特殊体验,建筑似乎把你包裹起来,但这种感觉很快又被大尺度开窗引入的花园景观和透过天窗投射室内的自然光所消解。
Residence MG's architecture is defined by a sense of linear lines and grey concrete forms, creating a "quiet heaviness". Entering the interior is a special experience like entering a cave. The building seems to wrap you up, but this feeling is soon dissolved by the garden landscape introduced by the large window and the natural light projected through the skylight.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Pieter Vanrenterghem
