日本设计师Keiji Ashizawa,出生于1973年,他于2005年成立了自己的同名设计工作室Keiji Ashizawa Design。自1996年从横滨国立大学建筑与建筑科学系毕业后,就进入了职业的建筑工作室开始了他的设计生涯,并全程参与家具的匠心制作,以此来践行他的工艺理论。
Japanese designer Keiji Ashizawa, born in 1973, founded his eponymous Design studio Keiji Ashizawa Design in 2005. After graduating from the Department of Architecture and Architectural Science at Yokohama National University in 1996, he began his design career in a professional architecture studio, where he participated in the entire process of furniture craftsmanship to practice his craft theory.

Karimoku Commons Kyoto


Karimoku Commons Kyoto位于连接京都东西两侧的历史悠久的Aneyakoji Dori街道上,由一栋老式排屋建筑改造而成。室内设计的大部分灵感都来自设计师在京都的花园、寺庙、居酒屋以及城市氛围中获得的启发,每个空间都有着各自的形式、定制的香味和独特的音乐,旨在通过五感的体验来提升空间的品质。

Located on the historic Aneyakoji Dori street that connects the east and west sides of Kyoto, Karimoku Commons Kyoto is a converted old townhouse building. Much of the interior design is inspired by the gardens, temples, izakaya and urban atmosphere of Kyoto, with each space having its own form, custom scents and unique music, aiming to enhance the quality of the space through the experience of the five senses.

The Conran Shop in Daikanyama


Conran Shop,是该品牌首家专注于展示以及销售日本和整个亚洲工艺品的精品店,位于东京由Fumihiko Maki开发的Hillside Terrace项目之中。其中两个独特的空间,设计师因地制宜,根据场地自身的综合条件和空间的实用性而最终被呈现出来。

Conran Shop, the brand's first boutique dedicated to the display and sale of Japanese and Asian arts and crafts, is located in the Hillside Terrace project developed by Fumihiko Maki in Tokyo. Two unique Spaces were finally presented according to the comprehensive conditions of the site itself and the practicability of the space.


The first floor houses a tea tasting area and a gallery, while the internal atrium is filled with natural light and connected to the courtyard's plants, with the aim of allowing customers to experience and discover the uniqueness of the space and the pleasure of exploring the products as they stroll. Compared with the first floor, the dim light of the basement makes the space atmosphere more elegant and solemn.

Blue Bottle Coffee Qiantan Café


蓝瓶咖啡馆新店位于上海一处绿意盎然的公园中,其现有的建筑由玻璃幕墙所围合,外观为扁平的椭圆形,“在公园里开设的蓝瓶咖啡馆应该表达怎样的概念想法?”成为了Keiji Ashizawa首要考虑的关键。为了协调公园的整体氛围,所以主要的咖啡柜台被设置在地下室,而通往地下室的红褐色长楼梯有着犹如洞穴般的空间氛围。

The new Blue Bottle Cafe is located in a green park in Shanghai. Its existing building is a flat oval surrounded by a glass curtain wall. "What concept should Blue Bottle Cafe express in the park?" Became a key priority for Keiji Ashizawa. In order to coordinate the overall atmosphere of the park, the main coffee counter is located in the basement, and the long reddish-brown staircase leading to the basement has a cavernous atmosphere.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Keiji Ashizawa
