Laura Calleeuw,是比利时一位对事业充满激情的室内设计师,并在当地成立了以自己名字命名的设计工作室,主要涉及住宅和商业空间设计。在不同项目的设计实践之中,她不断地探索了线与线之间的相互作用,试图采用最少的装饰手法来呈现更丰富的设计语言。

Laura Calleeuw is a passionate interior designer in Belgium who founded her eponymous design studio in the area, focusing on residential and commercial space design. In the design practice of different projects, she constantly explores the interaction between lines, trying to present a richer design language with the least decorative techniques.


The use and expression of lines and lines creates different perspectives, relationships between objects, a sense of space and a sense of atmosphere shaped by nature in the architectural form. As internal and external links continue to strengthen, so that these complementary elements have a positive effect.

一旦确定了这个原则,Laura Calleeuw就会利用她无限的创造力,为每个作品都注入鲜明的个性。于是,她在美学、功能和个性之间找到了一种平衡的联系,即使是复杂的项目,也能在整体的概念中衍生出简约、精致和宁静之感。

Once this principle is established, Laura Calleeuw uses her boundless creativity to inject a distinct personality into each piece. As a result, she has found a balance between aesthetics, function and personality, so that even complex projects can derive a sense of simplicity, refinement and serenity from the overall concept.

对待不同项目,Laura Calleeuw都会坚持着认真负责的态度,并完全的参与到设计、建造和落地的过程中。所有的材料选择和设计细节都经过深思熟虑之后才最终执行,同时,她根据客户的客观需求创造集出功能性、美学性和实用性于一体的生活场景。

Laura Calleeuw adheres to a serious and responsible attitude towards different projects, and fully participates in the process of design, construction and implementation. All material choices and design details are carefully considered before being implemented, while at the same time, she creates a functional, aesthetic and practical living scene based on the objective needs of the client.

对于Laura Calleeuw而言,当下的喜好和流行的趋势总是转瞬即逝,只有“永恒”的设计追求才值得长久专注。她和她的团队协同一处,相互配合,试图设计出令客户满意的作品。

For Laura Calleeuw, the current preferences and popular trends are always fleeting, and only the pursuit of "eternal" design is worthy of long-term attention. She and her team work together, working together, trying to design something that pleases the client.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Laura Calleeuw
