日本设计师Keiji Ashizawa,出生于1973年,他于2005年成立了自己的同名设计工作室Keiji Ashizawa Design。自1996年从横滨国立大学都市科学部的建筑学科毕业后,就进入了职业的建筑工作室开始了他的设计生涯,并全程参与家具的匠心制作,以此来践行他的工艺理论。
Japanese designer Keiji Ashizawa, born in 1973, founded his eponymous Design studio Keiji Ashizawa Design in 2005. After graduating from the Department of Architecture, Metropolitan Science, Yokohama National University in 1996, he began his design career in a professional architecture studio, where he participated in the entire process of furniture craftsmanship to practice his craft theory.

House in Aoyama

Aoyama is a four-storey concrete home divided into three above ground and one below ground. The living and dining rooms are located on the second floor, the bedrooms on the first and third floors, and the music room and storage room in the basement. Although the house is intentionally separated from the neighbouring houses, it is oriented towards the intersection, so the living room and master bedroom have balconies and potted plants for privacy.

Keiji Ashizawa对艺术品和家具有着深入的研究,在前期规划时考虑了艺术品的陈设方式以及与家具的搭配。现代艺术的展示背景不一定是白墙,而且艺术品本身与墙和空间有着重要的联系,所以如何更好地展示艺术品,不仅体现在比例和位置上,更体现在周围环境的细节处理上。室内立面采用了多种饰面,正是为了确保其与家具和艺术品能够兼容并蓄。

Keiji Ashizawa has an in-depth study of art and furniture, and considers the way artworks are displayed and matched with furniture in the pre-planning. The display background of modern art is not necessarily the white wall, and the artwork itself has an important connection with the wall and space, so how to better display the artwork is not only reflected in the proportion and position, but also reflected in the details of the surrounding environment. The interior facade is decorated with a variety of finishes, precisely to ensure that it is compatible with furniture and artwork.

Aloop Clinic & Lab

Aloop Clinic & Lab是日本领先的美容诊所之一,他们以“无论从医疗角度,还是从美容角度,都能提供最优的解决方案”为目标,希望通过合作研究而积累的知识和经验为客户提供严谨的诊疗服务。面对肌肤问题,他们采用最本质性的方法,从根源入手,这点与Keiji Ashizawa认为室内设计应追求本质的丰富性产生了共鸣。
Aloop Clinic & Lab is one of the leading cosmetic clinics in Japan with the goal of "providing the best solutions from both a medical and cosmetic perspective", hoping to provide clients with rigorous medical care through the knowledge and experience gained through collaborative research. When it comes to skin problems, they take the most fundamental approach and start at the root, which resonates with Keiji Ashizawa's belief that interior design should strive for essential richness.


The plan is compact but fully functional, the elevator hall doubles as a rest, the corridor is located in the middle of the treatment room, and the two sides are separate rooms. The idea is to maximize the quality of the space, and the materials and tones of skin-to-skin contact parts (such as handles and furniture trim) are carefully selected to give a sense of comfort, which is in line with the brand philosophy of "medicine and beauty to create a virtuous circle".

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Keiji Ashizawa
