WGNB是韩国首尔的一家设计工作室,由三位年轻的创始人Jonghwan BaekJonghyeon ShinDohan Kim成立于2015年。WGNB尝试将日常生活中的各种灵感提取、转换之后,应用于空间设计之中,希望能够给公众展示一种独特的切入视角。
WGNB is a design studio based in Seoul, South Korea, founded in 2015 by three young founders: Jonghwan Baek, Jonghyeon Shin, and Dohan Kim. WGNB tries to extract and transform various inspirations from daily life and apply them to space design, hoping to show the public a unique perspective.

Shl 'tr是一座由原始的建筑主体改造而成的独立咖啡厅,坐落于韩国东北部的核心旅游区。整个概念由关键词——“庇护所”进行演变、重译,客户并要求将三个不同的几何体块整合在统一的建筑之中。工作室的服务囊括了品牌服务、建筑和空间的设计。
Shl 'tr is an independent coffee shop converted from an original building, located in the heart of the tourist area of Northeast Korea. The whole concept was evolved and retranslated by the keyword "shelter", and the client asked for the integration of three different geometric blocks into a single building. The studio's services include branding, architecture and space design.

咖啡馆由黑暗的、洞穴般的空间形态构成,并与周围的环境形成鲜明对比。一楼的庭院既是入口,也是一个可以感知时间流动的场所。庭院中的两个空隙形成有机形状,与建筑的山状形状形成反差,创造更柔和的建筑阴影。充足的自然光从天花投射下来,照亮了 7.5m长的混凝土台面,自然而然地将顾客的视线引向后院。
The cafe is made up of dark, cavernous Spaces that stand in stark contrast to its surroundings. The courtyard on the first floor is both an entrance and a place to perceive the flow of time. The two voids in the courtyard form an organic shape that contrasts with the mountain shape of the building, creating softer architectural shadows. Abundant natural light shines down from the ceiling, illuminating the 7.5-meter-long concrete countertop, which naturally leads the customer's view to the backyard.

The second floor is the focus of the building's design, and in order to solve the problem of views that were previously completely blocked by the coastal breakwater and protective facilities, WGNB planned a new podium, which can be used as an aerial courtyard facing the sea, but also can connect the four different parts of the building to form an organic whole.

The first hall (Hall 3) is furnished with a black faux marble island with a wire spring chandelier that, when the breeze blows, creates an image of outdoor water and trees swaying with the wind. From Hall 3 to Hall 4, it is like stepping into a gallery, and the number of seats inside is reduced to provide open views of the landscape. Hall 5, which was preserved from the old building, has been transformed into a small exhibition space.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright WGNB
