COV Studio是一家位于韩国的建筑师事务所,致力于创造能够令人产生好奇和感到舒适的空间。在他们看来,一个品牌的可持续性来自于与“人”性格相似的空间和外在的形象设计,基于此,他们从契合品牌的材料和形式出发,并以全新的设计理念对其进行诠释。

COV Studio is a South Korea-based architecture firm dedicated to creating Spaces that evoke curiosity and comfort. In their opinion, the sustainability of a brand comes from the space and external image design similar to the personality of "people". Based on this, they start from the material and form that fit the brand, and interpret it with a new design concept.


The unassuming firm has only published a handful of designs on the Internet, and we can only know them through their work. With modernity, simple language, and the use of natural materials as their signature design symbols, they are always able to embody the brand's identity from a unique perspective, while giving the space a distinctive theme.

COV Studio通过不断的设计实践,坚信不同的品牌空间都有属于它们独有的性格,想要向顾客传达的情感和理念也同样存在着明显的差异。所以,由于品牌的不同,主题概念、语言表达、色彩基调自然也有所不同。
Through continuous design practice, COV Studio firmly believes that different brand Spaces have their unique personalities, and the emotions and concepts they want to convey to customers also have obvious differences. Therefore, due to different brands, theme concept, language expression, color tone naturally vary.

于日常的细微生活中汲取灵感,并在重视提升空间体验感的同时,希望能够真切地、客观地、恰如其分地传达品牌的价值和文化,这也成为了COV Studio持之以恒的设计策略与工作方法。

Drawing inspiration from everyday subtle life and attaching importance to improving the sense of space experience, COV Studio hopes to convey the brand value and culture in a real, objective and appropriate way, which has become the persistent design strategy and working method of CoV Studio.

COV Studio所设计的项目中,天然材料有着广泛的使用,既增添了自然的氛围,也与空间形式互为映衬。事务所摒弃了繁杂的表皮装饰,采用造型独特的家具陈设来丰富空间的层次,不仅提升了空间的审美性,还增加了储物功能,注重必要的实用性。
The extensive use of natural materials in the project by COV Studio adds to the natural atmosphere and complements the form of the space. The firm abandons the complicated surface decoration and uses unique furniture to enrich the level of space, which not only enhances the aesthetic value of the space, but also increases the storage function and pays attention to the necessary practicability.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :COV Studio
