基于特定的情境之下,空间可以作为“身体的延伸”(extension of the boby)。奥古斯特·施马索夫认为,身体一旦在某种体量中具有想象性的延伸时则可感知真实空间的存在。对于朝夕相处的住宅而言,围合式的、有着完整空间形态的物质性场所,其丰富的精神意义无不因居住者个体的“自由意志”而投射。
Space can be used as an "extension of the boby" based on specific situations. August Schmarsow believed that the body can perceive the existence of real space once it has an imaginative extension in a certain volume. For the houses that get along with each other day and night, the rich spiritual meaning of the enclosed material places with complete spatial form is all projected by the "free will" of the individual residents.

Free Will
“意志”(will)或“自由意志”(free will)作为重要的论述议题,长期以来,一直被不同派系的思考者所解释。简言之,自由意志是一种拥有自主性的、主观能动性的体现,这也促进了当下自由精神的追求和明确自我意识的觉醒。于是,空间、场景和人的关系由模糊至于清晰的转变,使抽象的词义概念发展到具体的动作行为。
"Will" or "free will" , as an important discourse topic, has long been interpreted by different factions of thinkers. In short, free will is a manifestation of autonomy and subjective initiative, which also promotes the pursuit of free spirit and the awakening of clear self-awareness. As a result, the relationship between space, scene and people changes from vague to clear, and the abstract concept of word meaning develops into concrete action behavior.

As if separated from the whole, Runyuan Apartment and the main building of the villa not far away are complementary to each other, but they are also integrated into an individual private territory. Different from general functional apartments, the layout is based on the premise of comfort and shared landscape resources, which can meet daily living, work, and meeting friends, and also have the solitude of a comfortable world. Columns, walls and external windows constitute the basic composition of the interior, and are organically connected in series through the moving lines of the tour.


A Touch Of Green

The solid facade plays a pivotal role in the construction of space, defining the region and forming a visual foothold. The material itself is endowed by texture, luster and color, and different combination methods naturally show different expressions. In sharp contrast to the three-sided picture Windows, the continuous dark wood in the interior changes the heavy posture and is spread out like light. Light and dark, deep and shallow, soft and extensive constitute the living area of the flexible formal language.

As the only open cabinet in the public area, the crisscross steel plates transition to the back of the "a touch of green", in the thick ink dizzy dye, elegant and fresh. The concave structure of low saturation not only meets the needs of display and furnishings, but also adds some profound meaning under the dark background. This is related to the establishment of the established eastern context, and also provides an effective model for the expression of yuppie and luxury.


Deliberate Alienation

In existing cognition, a certain distance is beautiful, so the necessity of "deliberate alienation" reflects the proper grasp of "degree". This is also in line with what Carolyn Kastner said, intentional alienation is the emphasis on quality, function and aesthetics, the pursuit of simplicity, competence and perseverance of self-discipline, and the emphasis on independence of self-consciousness. The public area is dominated by L-shaped sofa, with a low back that creates the rhythm of the drama and echoes the arc-shaped elements seen everywhere in the space.

Apart from the wall, the column itself has a certain visual tension and expression. Combined with the function of the bar, the vertical columns begin to extend horizontally, making the center emerge with the TV background wall as the axis. In order to balance the structural changes, the cross device between the columns creates the possibility of communication between the two columns through the structural form of local light. The geometric superposition of forms harmonizes function with form and enriches the visual hierarchy of the space.


Private Territory

In the pursuit of individual expression of the present, personal "aesthetic" has become the main currency of modern passage. The bedroom in the middle of the three-stage layout, from the user's point of view, has a very short path to any functional area inside. The external fun bathtub, the two-step bathroom, the lavatory area with slits in the facade and the bed background that can be "peeped" through, as well as the materials that echo the living room, together create a unique place with temperament, style and charm.

The original meaning of "room" , on the one hand, is related to the actual physical enclosure, on the other hand, it expresses an abstract philosophical concept. No matter in concept, material or spirit, space has its own meaning of existence, and this extraordinary meaning is closely related to the personality, aspiration and aesthetic appreciation of the residents. Therefore, the construction of reason takes a new path to the embodiment of free will and the shaping of spiritual heights.



Project Name:Runyuan Villa Apartment

Project Location:98 Honghuahu Road, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China


Project Area:120㎡


Completion Date:March,2023


Design Company:Yumei Group Design


Chief Designer:Zhang Zhijun


Design Team: Huang Jinwei, Zhong Licheng, Peng Jingsong, Chen Huan, Huang Guilin


Decoration Design:MECA Junyue Beauty Home


Photography:Shengsu Architectural Photography



YUMEI GROUP予美组设计由一群青年设计师领衔,专注于建筑、商业、住宅设计等领域。“予”是一种分享和具有情怀的态度,以独特的设计工作方法,使日常具象的审美与概念抽离于事物的本体,纯粹性的解析、重构,直至自我内化之后的完美蜕变,进而建立一种独属东方的、当代的、极简的生活美学体系。
YUMEI GROUP architectural is led by a group of young designers, specializing in architecture, commercial, residential design and other fields. "Yu" is a kind of sharing and sentimental attitude. With a unique design method, the daily concrete aesthetic and concept are separated from the ontology of things, and the purity is analyzed and reconstructed until the perfect transformation after self-internalization, so as to establish a unique Oriental, contemporary and minimalist aesthetic system of life.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY     校对 Proof:Xran   
图片版权 Copyright :美组设计
