Studio Lawahl是一家位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的室内设计工作室,由设计师Joanna LavénDavid Wahlgren共同成立。他们认为空间能够激发人们不同程度的创造力,因为从某种意义上来说,它反映了当下所处的客观环境,所以也能让人感知到空间与空间之间存在的巨大差异性。

Studio Lawahl is an interior design studio based in Stockholm, Sweden, founded by designers Joanna Laven and David Wahlgren. They believe that space can stimulate people's creativity to different degrees, because in a sense, it reflects the current objective environment, so people can also perceive the huge difference between space and space.

Villa SV


Studio Lawahl希望打造一处具有现代风格的居所,使其既满足日常的家庭生活,又满足偶尔的社交需要,所以Villa SV是一间兼具美学性和功能性的城市公寓,同时契合居住者的个性特征与审美爱好。

Studio Lawahl wanted to create a contemporary residence that would meet the needs of everyday family life as well as occasional socializing, so Villa SV is an urban apartment that is both aesthetic and functional, while at the same time meeting the personality and aesthetic preferences of its occupants.


The fresh blue is active in the space and balanced to a certain extent with the classic wood color. A series of works of art, ornaments and decorative paintings give the space a level in shape and color, so that the overall atmosphere of the space tends to be pure and consistent. Small exterior openings bring in natural light while providing the best views of the city.

Apartment TL


Studio Lawahl看来,空间对创造力的激发有着重要的作用,它体现在当人们置身于不同环境之中时,能够明显地感受到细微的不同。它没有“苛刻”环境或看起来令人生畏——而是给人一种和谐的、随意的和自由的真实感。

According to Studio Lawahl, space plays an important role in stimulating creativity, which is reflected in the subtle differences that people can obviously feel when they are in different environments. It doesn't have a "harsh" environment or look forbidding - it gives a sense of harmony, randomness and freedom.


In a calm and balanced tone, the studio placed "independent" furnishings, not only to create a specific feeling, but also to emphasize the importance of antique furniture, they believe that collecting their favorite objects and placing them in a mutually complementary environment, such as some historical objects, vintage objects can always make a space different.

Studio Lawahl


内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Studio Lawahl
