Golden Design,来自澳大利亚墨尔本,由创始人Kylie Dorotic和Alicia McKimm联合成立于2013年11月,它的前身是We Are Huntly。工作室试图通过可行的方法融合建筑与视觉艺术,由此来打造独特的设计出品。他们的每一个作品呈现无不以客观需求为根据,希望创造理想的生活空间和工作环境。

Golden Design, from Melbourne, Australia, was founded in November 2013 by founders Kylie Dorotic and Alicia McKimm, formerly We Are Huntly. The studio seeks to create unique designs by combining architecture and visual art in a feasible way. Each of their works is based on objective needs, hoping to create an ideal living and working space.

Monfort House



Monfort House, located in Blairgowrie, Australia, is adjacent to the National park and largely responds to the geography of the shoreline. Dark earth tones are applied to the facades, echoing the natural landscape and highlighting the dark concrete veneer tiles used inside. The application of natural materials creates a soft visual feel and rich color inside, while enjoying full sunrises and sunsets in the main living area.

Art House


Golden Design基于业主对艺术和设计的喜爱,创造了这处极具艺术氛围的家。并通过与Omnicon Construction的合作,为Caulfield North地产的中世纪遗产项目注入了新的生命力。最终呈现了一间充满自然光线的、明亮的棕榈泉式如画廊般的住宅,其室内的艺术品陈设囊括了业主的部分原创作品。

Golden Design created this artsy home based on the client's love of art and Design. And breathe new life into the Caulfield North Estate's medieval heritage project through a partnership with Omnicon Construction. The result is a bright Palm Springs gallery-like home filled with natural light and furnished with artwork that includes some of the owner's original work.

Viktoria & Woods Chadstone Flagship

Viktoria & Woods 旗舰店

Viktoria & Woods 旗舰店,位于澳大利亚墨尔本著名购物胜地之一的Chadstone,其闲适简约的室内氛围与周围环境形成鲜明对比。Golden Design采用特殊的肌理以及雅致的材料色调来实现空间品质的豪华感。室内曲线的使用,引导着人们的视线同时,使空间具有一定的流动性,也很好的软化了空间。

The Viktoria & Woods flagship store, located in Chadstone, one of Melbourne's famous shopping resorts, has a laid-back, minimalist interior that contrasts sharply with its surroundings. Golden Design uses special textures and elegant material tones to achieve a luxurious sense of space quality. The use of indoor curve, guiding people's sight at the same time, so that the space has a certain fluidity, but also very good to soften the space.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Golden Design

