日前,由Francesc Rifé和MªJosé合作完成的Mat Apartment项目,尝试创造一种与周围宁静环境相协调的居住氛围,并以此为出发点反向推导出建筑外立面和所处的自然景观,使印象画派的表征意象与具体居住的场所产生关联。
Recently, Mat Apartment, a project jointly completed by Francesc Rife and Mª Jose, tried to create a living atmosphere in harmony with the surrounding quiet environment. Based on this, the facade and the natural landscape of the building were reversely derived, and the symbolic image of impressionism was associated with the specific living place.

自然木作是Mat Apartment最重要的形式语言,无论连续的木作立面、还是隐约格栅或者拉槽的节点做法,单一的材料表现出空间的纯粹性。及至起居室区域,木作以一定尺度变化的框架结构建立起可视的内部框景,这与半遮半掩的飘逸白纱背后乌拉圭埃斯特角的自然海景相呼应。
Natural wood work is the most important formal language of Mat Apartment. No matter the continuous wood work facade, or the nodal approach of vague grille or slot, a single material shows the purity of space. As for the living room area, the wooden frame structure with a certain scale variation creates a visual internal frame view, which echoes the natural seascape of Uruguay's Punta Del Este behind the semi-veiled flowing white gauze.

埃斯特角位于乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚东约300公里,这里四处皆是郁郁葱葱的树木花丛、迷人的海滩与海滨浴场连成一片,迤逦的风光使这里成为出行旅游的首选和绝佳的避暑胜地。而匹配环境属性的“舒适、放松、自然、享受”的感官体验是设计师Francesc Rifé重要的灵感来源,这种细腻的微妙感知,却恰好的反应在Mat Apartment之中。
Located about 300 kilometers east of Montevideo, Punta del Este is a popular tourist and summer resort with lush trees, beautiful beaches and beaches. The sensory experience of "comfort, relaxation, nature and enjoyment" matching the environmental attributes is an important source of inspiration for designer Francesc Rife. Such delicate and subtle perception is exactly reflected in Mat Apartment.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
排版 Editor :Xran   撰文 Writer:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Francesc Rifé
