Phoebe Nicol,是澳大利亚的一位新生代的设计师,在悉尼成立了以自己名字命名的设计工作室,专注于高端住宅和精品商业空间的设计。她的设计风格被定义为具有传承性质的、精致的欧洲经典,因其作品善于采用考究的现代工艺与传统的细节进行完美结合。

Phoebe Nicol is one of Australia's new generation of designers. She has set up her own design studio in Sydney, focusing on high-end residential and boutique commercial Spaces. Her design style is defined by the heritage of refined European classics, because her works are good at using sophisticated modern craftsmanship and traditional details.

在她以往的从业经验里,Phoebe Nicol曾为一些著名的设计师和建筑师、以及古董公司工作过,通过不同项目的积累,培养了她出色且独特的审美。她所设计的空间总以感性、素雅明亮、传统与新旧融合、舒适而不凌乱的形式呈现。

In her previous work experience, Phoebe Nicol has worked for a number of famous designers and architects, as well as antique companies. Through the accumulation of different projects, she has developed an outstanding and unique aesthetic. The space designed by her is always presented in the form of sensibility, simple elegance and brightness, traditional and new fusion, comfortable but not messy.

Phoebe Nicol通过与客户的积极互动和密切合作,来了解他们的客观需求以及日常的审美习惯,然后通过自己创造性的设计构思、品质的把控和真实的建造反映出来,为客户提供独特的空间氛围和高度个性化定制的生活环境。

Through active interaction and close cooperation with customers, Phoebe Nicol understands their objective needs and daily aesthetic habits, and then reflects them through creative design ideas, quality control and real construction, to provide customers with unique space atmosphere and highly personalized living environment.

如今,通过不断的沉淀和自我更新,Phoebe Nicol Studio已经初步地树立了在业界的声誉,成为澳大利亚领先的年轻室内建筑师团队之一。Phoebe Nicol并与丈夫Jeremy Bowker共同居住在The Vault Sydney,那是一个琳琅满目的艺术展厅,里面收藏了各种古董和当代艺术品。

Today, through continuous accumulation and self-renewal, Phoebe Nicol Studio has established an initial reputation in the industry as one of the leading teams of young interior architects in Australia. Phoebe Nicol lives with her husband Jeremy Bowker at The Vault Sydney, a dazzling art gallery that houses a wide range of antiques and contemporary art.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Phoebe Nicol

